History of Homeopathy
Homeopathy was introduced by Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin al-Helmy (1911-1969) in 1929. He graduated from Ismaeliah Medical College, New Delhi. In 1937, he established the Homeopathy Warehouse with Dr. Prof. Rajah in Singapore and Johor Bahru. However, their efforts were discontinued in 1942 due to excessive workload.
Ten years later, in 1952, Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin Helmy resumed practicing and teaching Homeopathy. Unfortunately, at that time, Homeopathy was not widely accepted or recognized. Despite this, Prof. Dr. Burhanuddin managed to teach Homeopathy from his own home and successfully trained 15 individuals as pioneers of the second generation.
Related Organizations
The Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Council (Majlis Perubatan Homeopati Malaysia) was officially established on January 21, 2001, as an initiative of the Permanent Committee on Traditional and Complementary Medicine under the Ministry of Health Malaysia. MPHM serves as a unifying symbol for homeopathic associations and practitioners, as well as a platform to advance and develop homeopathy at the national level.
The objectives of the umbrella body, the Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Council, include:
Establishing registration guidelines: Every practitioner must possess recognized qualifications in the field of homeopathic medicine, as stipulated by the governing body under the supervision of the relevant Ministry.
Ensuring compliance with professional ethics: Practitioners are required to adhere to the conditions and code of conduct in medical ethics, making it easier to regulate their activities and hold them accountable for their practices concerning their patients.
Elevating the profession: The implementation of the above ensures that the homeopathic medical system becomes a respected career path, fostering confidence among new students in choosing homeopathy as their field of study.
In the early stages of MPHM’s establishment, all six affiliated associations demonstrated strong commitment. The associations referred to include:
Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Malaysia (PPHM)
Persatuan Perubatan Homeopathy Bumiputra Malaysia (PPHBM)
Persatuan Pengamal Perubatan Homeopathy Berdaftar Malaysia (3PHBM-MRHP)
Persatuan Doktor Homeopati Malaysia (PDHM)
Persatuan Iktisad Homeopathy Malaysia (POLYCREST)
Persatuan Sains Perubatan Homeopathy dan Pengkaji Penyakit secara Homeopathy Melaka (PSPH)

Today, the associations under MPHM include PPHM, PPHBM, and the Penang Homeopathy and Homotoxicology Association (PHHPP). The Malaysian Homeopathic & Biochemistry Medical Association (PHDBM) was established around 2007 and operates under the Malaysian Homeopathic Medical Council.
The primary vision of MPHM is to improve the quality of homeopathic services in Malaysia, ensuring they are safe, modern, effective, and standardized, in alignment with the Malaysian health plan.