No | Principle | Explanation: |
1 | The Law of Similar or “Likes Cure Likes” (Fundamental Law of Homeopathy) “A substance that can artificially produce symptoms similar to a certain disease in a healthy person; only that substance can cure a similar disease when given to a patient in the form of a homeopathic remedy.”
| Our homeopathic doctors will understand and record complete information about your complaints and symptoms. They will then match your symptoms with thousands of homeopathic remedies and choose only one remedy that best fits your complaints. The selected remedy is one that has been proven effective in producing similar symptoms in healthy individuals. Also, this remedy must have proven efficacy in curing patients with diseases similar to yours. |
2 | Single remedy for multiple complaints “Treating the individual holistically (as a whole) with one similimum (most similar) remedy for the entire condition.” | In allopathy, you have different specialists for each disease and may consult more than one doctor for various complaints. There are cardiologists, diabetologists, dermatologists, etc. Homeopathic doctors are trained to treat various types of diseases. They will choose one single remedy (similimum), which will alleviate or cure all your health issues. For example, if you visit our doctor for hair loss and tell them you also have headaches or acidity, they will recommend a remedy that will treat your hair loss and also relieve the headaches and acidity. |
3 | Individualization “No two patients receive the same remedy, even if they have the same disease.” | Every individual is unique in nature and temperament. Even symptoms differ in individuals with the same disease. In allopathy, everyone with the same disease might be prescribed the same medication. However, in homeopathy, the selection of the remedy does not solely depend on what you experience but more on the unique characteristics of your symptoms and you as an individual. Homeopathy considers your nature, temperament, likes and dislikes, which are unique to you, thus distinguishing you from others with the same condition. |
4 | Long-Term Healing Outcomes “Treating your skin disorder and other complaints with creams or medications that only relieve symptoms temporarily but do not heal you internally is known as suppression. This leads to the development of more serious diseases in the future.” | Dr. Hahnemann observed that if your skin complaints are treated externally with creams, symptoms may temporarily disappear but may lead to more severe diseases in the future. Suppression may relieve your suffering temporarily but puts you at a higher risk of developing more serious diseases. When creating your case history (homeopathic consultation), our doctors will discuss all your health issues from childhood until now. They will ask about the treatments you have received in the past and their outcomes. This helps the doctor understand any connection between your current suffering and past experiences, as well as the role of past treatments in developing your current health issues. The solution suggested, after detailed consideration, aims to cure your disease and not just suppress the symptoms. |
5 | Healing Sequence “After any treatment, your health should not progress from milder to more severe diseases. There is a definite sequence in which healing should occur, according to the laws of nature.” | A homeopathic doctor is always guided by this principle in understanding whether the treatment is helping the patient or placing them at risk for more serious diseases in the future. When you are treated for any complaint, the intensity and frequency of your symptoms will reduce. After any treatment, your health should not progress from milder to more severe diseases. Homeopathy treats you from within, not just externally. There is a specific sequence in which healing should take place, according to the laws of nature. Our doctors are trained to assess your treatment outcomes according to this principle. This ensures that your treatment is heading in the right direction. |
6 | Minimum Dose “The dose and repetition of the remedy should be minimal to ensure that the treatment is safe and free from side effects.” | Homeopathic medicines do not cause side effects. Great care is taken in the preparation of homeopathic remedies through a process known as potentization. The substance used to prepare the remedy is diluted in water or medicinal alcohol. The dilution is done progressively until only a small trace of the original substance remains in the actual remedy given to the patient. This dilution method is so delicate that measurable traces of the medicinal substance are almost undetectable. Recent advances in nanotechnology and experiments conducted by IIT Mumbai, a renowned engineering and research institute in India, have shown the presence of the original substance in minimal amounts in homeopathic dilutions. |